
This group developed out of a hope to provide critical information and support to magnet students in Dallas and their campuses.
Originally, the focus was for students and the Science and Engineering campus specifically, but opportunities have presented allowing us to expand our view.

Our goal is to support these students and the local community through outreach, parent education, and financially as possible without burdening parents who are often limited in income. Our organization takes parents, teachers, and alumni along with current students to better the school without dues being sent to Austin.

This organization was founded under the premise citizen servants – have a greater vested interest in student success than do bureaucrats and special interests. As noted earlier – we are required to file reports with multiple state agencies and the IRS we can bring a community based leadership with a demonstated record of good stewardship of donor resources. Unfortunately this is not always the case with other public entities.

About Our Magnet Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is composed of interested parents, students, and leaders in the community dedicated to making the Dallas ISD Townview school the best in the nation. We are all about a diverse set of viewpoints and bringing in ideas from outside the echo box.

Our board includes former PTA officers, elected officials, and corporate leaders in education, finance, and healthcare.

As currently constructed our Board of Directors includes:

  • Christopher Suprun, Secretary/Treasurer, President-Elect
  • Dani Digennaro
  • Linda Dulleba
  • Kirsten Price, President
  • Audrey Reese
  • Position 6 VACANT
  • Position 7 VACANT
Townview students receiving another nonprofit community representative at the school speaking on leadership.

At a future board meeting we anticipate filling the remaining two board positions.


If you are an alumni of one of the Townview campuses please reach out. Our alumni page is here and we are working on both a mentoring program for former alumni and students and social activities for Townview alumni.


You can return to our homepage here or Contact us to learn how you can get involved and support the best of Dallas.