Dallas ISD needs your help distributing packaged meals to our students and families while schools are closed due to the…
Schools Out, but class will continue. Dallas ISD Board of Trustee member Joyce Foreman today posted that school buildings will…
The Texas Education Agency's current guidance is that the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) testing will continue…
According to an article in the Texas Monitor, the Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees is going to surrender…
Unavailable for comment. Earlier today we have heard that Townview High School Magnet Application responses will not be coming until…
LATE NOTICE: Dallas Independent School District magnet principals informed parents today that due to "a glitch in central office" magnet…
Parents cheating on magnet school applications have happened for years. Now it appears there is a new focus to stop…
A concerning development in the case of the Dallas ISD Chief Auditor. It appears he may be getting forced out…
This page will bring you Townview News. We have several news stories of interest to the community, students, and parents…