Dallas ISD Schools are closed until Labor Day for in person instruction per an order by Dallas County Health Department Medical Director Philip Huang. An early September return to school still seems optimistic per many teachers and parents who have begun a #NotMyKid campaign to keep their children home. This move by the Dallas County […]
Unusual Inclement Weather Day Vacation
Tomorrow, Friday, May 1, 2020, will be an unused inclement weather day so enjoy the day off. Per the Dallas ISD calendar tomorrow is the second of two days scheduled for bad weather which we avoided again this school year. Inclement Weather Day Plan Idea If you are unsure what to do please consider using […]
Schools Out: Schools Closed For School Year
Schools Out, but class will continue. Dallas ISD Board of Trustee member Joyce Foreman today posted that school buildings will be closed indefinitely, but class will continue March 23, 2020. The situation described as “fluid” is due to restrictions suggested by the federal Centers for Disease Control in response to coronavirus. One issue for Townview […]
Late Mail Leaves Parents Disgusted And Disappointed
LATE NOTICE: Dallas Independent School District magnet principals informed parents today that due to “a glitch in central office” magnet acceptance letters would not be going out on time. If you are looking for your acceptance letter for a Townview campus do not look to the Dallas ISD calendar for guidance. For those new to […]