Townview parents concerned about COVID19 have multiple online resources they can use for accurate information. We would ask that those able PLEASE connect with those you know without internet access. This list is not comprehensive, but should be useful in providing updated information regarding COVID19: City of Dallas Dallas County Emergency Health and Disaster Management […]
Urgent Volunteer Need
Dallas ISD needs your help distributing packaged meals to our students and families while schools are closed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Starting Monday, March 23, volunteers are needed Mondays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to carry meals from the main entrance to families waiting in their vehicles. To sign up go to […]
Schools Out: Schools Closed For School Year
Schools Out, but class will continue. Dallas ISD Board of Trustee member Joyce Foreman today posted that school buildings will be closed indefinitely, but class will continue March 23, 2020. The situation described as “fluid” is due to restrictions suggested by the federal Centers for Disease Control in response to coronavirus. One issue for Townview […]
Parents Furious State Stuck On STAAR
The Texas Education Agency‘s current guidance is that the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) testing will continue as planned. This comes despite numerous school districts announcing classes will not resume after Spring Break and several Texas colleges moving to an online format for education after Spring Break. A bipartisan group of state […]
Late Mail Leaves Parents Disgusted And Disappointed
LATE NOTICE: Dallas Independent School District magnet principals informed parents today that due to “a glitch in central office” magnet acceptance letters would not be going out on time. If you are looking for your acceptance letter for a Townview campus do not look to the Dallas ISD calendar for guidance. For those new to […]
Auditor Challenges Backlash
A concerning development in the case of the Dallas ISD Chief Auditor. It appears he may be getting forced out – despite his resignation. Outside Auditor According to some news sources he has asked for state auditors including the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to review his work. Steven Martin called for the Texas State Auditor […]